I'm sure almost all of us have read any number of the original Arthur books at one point or another, but has anyone ever read the spin-off book Marc Brown wrote and illustrated about Wilbur Rabbit, and what a typical day on the set of Bionic Bunny was like for him? I remember when I was in Grade 5, we had this monthly ritual thing where we'd do book reports with a partner from a Grade 2 class... similar to those projects Mr. Ratburn's class did with D.W.'s pre-school class, basically, our Grade 2 partners would choose the books, and we fifth graders would basically read the book to them, we'd discuss the book, how we liked it and everything, then basically we did written reports on them. One time, my partner picked the Bionic Bunny book, which was pretty interesting, it also showed his family at the end as well, including his wife, and the many kids they had (hey, they ARE rabbits after all). And yes, there's also a brief point in the book where Wilbur flubs his lines, so they have to cut so he can grab his glasses and re-read his lines to get them right.